Taking laughs where I can

Sometimes, I feel like I have a serious character flaw. I am so serious. Other times, I believe it to be my environment. Sadness often accompanies me. But, not always. Recently, my daughter said, “Let’s make a video and post it on Ben’s facebook page.” Of course I agreed.

We spent the next 2 hours making 6 videos which were posted on Ben’s wall, my wall and my sister’s wall. AND, we laughed and laughed. We laughed during the taping, we laughed after watching the videos, and we laughed that we had made them. I was exhausted but I also felt very much alive and relieved. It has been so long since I laughed so much and for so long. There were times, years ago when I would laugh easily — but not in a while.

My kids and I used to get hysterical laughing in the car over making stupid faces or making impersonations of make believe characters. I have always laughed easily with my children. I am grateful for the laughter I have shared with them.

When I was acting, I was able to be ridiculously silly at the drop of a hat. I was also able to be serious. Mostly these last years I have been serious. I am working on changing those things in my reality that create such heaviness. Here’s to more laughter and lightness in my life and in yours. I would always prefer to feel lighter than not. Wouldn’t you?